Friday, December 31, 2010

Why MOM is Special

When I came home in the rain,
Brother/Sister asked why didn't you take an umbrella.
Grand Parents advised, Why didn't you wait till rain stopped.
Father angrily warned, only after getting cold, you will realize.
But Mother, while drying my hair, said, stupid rain! Couldn't it wait, till my child came home?

That's MOM !!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Love is Complete Trust and Faithfulness (Story)

A Small Story

A boy and a girl were playing together. The boy had a collection of marbles. The girl had some sweets with her. The boy told the girl that he will give her all his marbles in exchange for her sweets. The girl agreed.
The boy kept the biggest and the most beautiful marble aside and gave the rest to the girl. The girl gave him all her sweets as she had promised.
That night, the girl slept peacefully. But the boy couldn't sleep as he kept wondering if the girl had hidden some sweets from him the way he had hidden his best marble.

Moral of the story: If you don't give your hundred percent in a relationship, you'll always keep doubting if the other person has given his/her hundred percent.. This is applicable for any relationship like love, employer-employee relationship etc., Give your hundred percent to everything you do and sleep peacefully.

With "NO MALICE" to anyone at all...

An interesting fact
The history of the middle finger

I never knew this before, and now that I know it, I feel compelled to send it on to my more intelligent friends in the hope that they, too, will feel edified.
Isn't history more fun when you know something about it?
Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers. Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore they would be incapable of fighting in the future. This famous English longbow was made of the native English Yew tree, and the act of drawing the longbow was known as 'plucking the yew' (or 'pluck yew').Much to the bewilderment of the French, the English won a major upset and began mocking the French by waving their middle fingers at the defeated French, saying, See, we can still pluck yew! Since 'pluck yew' is rather difficult to say, the difficult consonant cluster at the beginning has gradually changed to a labiodentals fricative F', and thus the words often used in conjunction with the one-finger-salute! It is also because of the pheasant feathers on the arrows used with the longbow that the symbolic gesture is known as 'giving the bird.'

How to create the sample function Called SpellNumber

  1. Start Microsoft Excel.
  2. Press ALT+F11 to start the Visual Basic Editor.
  3. On the Insert menu, click Module.
  4. Type the following code into the module sheet.
Option Explicit
'Main Function
Function SpellNumber(ByVal MyNumber)
    Dim Dollars, Cents, Temp
    Dim DecimalPlace, Count
    ReDim Place(9) As String
    Place(2) = " Thousand "
    Place(3) = " Million "
    Place(4) = " Billion "
    Place(5) = " Trillion "
    ' String representation of amount.
    MyNumber = Trim(Str(MyNumber))
    ' Position of decimal place 0 if none.
    DecimalPlace = InStr(MyNumber, ".")
    ' Convert cents and set MyNumber to dollar amount.
    If DecimalPlace > 0 Then
        Cents = GetTens(Left(Mid(MyNumber, DecimalPlace + 1) & _
                  "00", 2))
        MyNumber = Trim(Left(MyNumber, DecimalPlace - 1))
    End If
    Count = 1
    Do While MyNumber <> ""
        Temp = GetHundreds(Right(MyNumber, 3))
        If Temp <> "" Then Dollars = Temp & Place(Count) & Dollars
        If Len(MyNumber) > 3 Then
            MyNumber = Left(MyNumber, Len(MyNumber) - 3)
            MyNumber = ""
        End If
        Count = Count + 1
    Select Case Dollars
        Case ""
            Dollars = "No Dollars"
        Case "One"
            Dollars = "One Dollar"
         Case Else
            Dollars = Dollars & " Dollars"
    End Select
    Select Case Cents
        Case ""
            Cents = " and No Cents"
        Case "One"
            Cents = " and One Cent"
              Case Else
            Cents = " and " & Cents & " Cents"
    End Select
    SpellNumber = Dollars & Cents
End Function
' Converts a number from 100-999 into text
Function GetHundreds(ByVal MyNumber)
    Dim Result As String
    If Val(MyNumber) = 0 Then Exit Function
    MyNumber = Right("000" & MyNumber, 3)
    ' Convert the hundreds place.
    If Mid(MyNumber, 1, 1) <> "0" Then
        Result = GetDigit(Mid(MyNumber, 1, 1)) & " Hundred "
    End If
    ' Convert the tens and ones place.
    If Mid(MyNumber, 2, 1) <> "0" Then
        Result = Result & GetTens(Mid(MyNumber, 2))
        Result = Result & GetDigit(Mid(MyNumber, 3))
    End If
    GetHundreds = Result
End Function
' Converts a number from 10 to 99 into text.
Function GetTens(TensText)
    Dim Result As String
    Result = ""           ' Null out the temporary function value.
    If Val(Left(TensText, 1)) = 1 Then   ' If value between 10-19...
        Select Case Val(TensText)
            Case 10: Result = "Ten"
            Case 11: Result = "Eleven"
            Case 12: Result = "Twelve"
            Case 13: Result = "Thirteen"
            Case 14: Result = "Fourteen"
            Case 15: Result = "Fifteen"
            Case 16: Result = "Sixteen"
            Case 17: Result = "Seventeen"
            Case 18: Result = "Eighteen"
            Case 19: Result = "Nineteen"
            Case Else
        End Select
    Else                                 ' If value between 20-99...
        Select Case Val(Left(TensText, 1))
            Case 2: Result = "Twenty "
            Case 3: Result = "Thirty "
            Case 4: Result = "Forty "
            Case 5: Result = "Fifty "
            Case 6: Result = "Sixty "
            Case 7: Result = "Seventy "
            Case 8: Result = "Eighty "
            Case 9: Result = "Ninety "
            Case Else
        End Select
        Result = Result & GetDigit _
            (Right(TensText, 1))  ' Retrieve ones place.
    End If
    GetTens = Result
End Function
' Converts a number from 1 to 9 into text.
Function GetDigit(Digit)
    Select Case Val(Digit)
        Case 1: GetDigit = "One"
        Case 2: GetDigit = "Two"
        Case 3: GetDigit = "Three"
        Case 4: GetDigit = "Four"
        Case 5: GetDigit = "Five"
        Case 6: GetDigit = "Six"
        Case 7: GetDigit = "Seven"
        Case 8: GetDigit = "Eight"
        Case 9: GetDigit = "Nine"
        Case Else: GetDigit = ""
    End Select
End Function

Now you can use the function as follows:

Method 1: Direct Entry

You can change 32.50 into "Thirty Two Dollars and Fifty Cents" by entering the following formula into a cell:

Method 2: Cell reference

You can refer to other cells in the workbook. For example, enter the number 32.50 into cell A1, and type the following formula into another cell:

Method 3:Paste Function or Insert Function

To enter a custom function into a worksheet, you can use Paste Function in Excel 2000, or you can use Insert Function in Excel 2002 and in Excel 2003.

Excel 2000

To use Paste Function, follow these steps:
  1. Select the cell that you want.
  2. Click Paste Function on the Standard toolbar.
  3. Under Function category, click User Defined.
  4. Under Function name, click SpellNumber, and then click OK.
  5. Enter the number or cell reference that you want, and then click OK.

Excel 2002 and Excel 2003

To use Insert Function, follow these steps:
  1. Select the cell that you want.
  2. Click Insert Function on the Standard toolbar.
  3. Under Or select a category, click User Defined.
  4. In the Select a function list, click SpellNumber, and then click OK.
  5. Enter the number or cell reference that you want, and then click OK

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Good Morning

Gods blessings come as a surprise


how much you receive

depends on

how much your heart believes !

May you be blessed beyond you expectations

For Latest And Cool Stuff Join XciteFun
Email Me

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The 7 Ups!!!!!!!

1. Wake Up !!... Decide to have a good day.

2. Dress Up !!... The best way to dress up is to put on a smile. A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.

3. Shut Up!!... Say nice things and learn to listen. With two ears and one mouth.. it's meant for us to do twice as much listening as talking.
"He who guards his lips guards his soul."

4. Stand Up!! . . . for what you believe in. Stand for something or you will fall for anything. "Let us not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity,   let us do good..."

5. Look Up !! . . . Keep yourself centered. Remember, you are important. "I can do everything through ALLAH who strengthens me".

6. Reach Up !! . . . for something higher. Trust with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding.

7. Lift Up !! . . . your Prayers. "Do not worry about anything; instead PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING."

Never Had A Dream Come True

Friday, January 29, 2010

True love is neither physical, nor romantic

It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80's arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am.
I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would to able to see him. I saw him looking at his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.
While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry.
The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife. I inquired as to her health.
He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer's Disease. As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late.
He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now.
I was surprised, and asked him, 'And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?'
He smiled as he patted my hand and said, 'She doesn't know me, but I still know who she is.' I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm, and thought,
'That is the kind of love I want in my life.'
True love is neither physical, nor romantic.
True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.
With all the jokes and fun that is in e-mails, sometimes there is one that comes along that has an important message. This one I thought I could share with you..
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything;
they just make the best of everything they have.
I hope you share this with someone you care about.
I just did.
'Life isn't about how to survive the storm,
but how to dance in the rain.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Problems with Microsoft Office Professional 2007 ? Trial Period finish? Need Serial Keys & Online Activation

Problems with Microsoft Office Professional 2007 ? Trial Period finish? Need Serial Keys & Online Activation

Use the below keys for Microsoft Office 2007 Professional


Use the below keys for Microsoft Office 2007 Home and Student


Use the below keys for Microsoft Office 2007 Home and Student

1. TT3M8-H3469-V89G6-8FWK7-D3Q9Q
5. KGFVY-7733B-8WCK9-KTG64-BC7D8